What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is an awareness that develops when we pay attention on purpose to the present moment in a friendly nonjudgmental way. Mindfulness has been taught and practiced for thousands of years. Thirty years ago Jon Kabat-Zinn began teaching MBSR at my alma mater, University of Massachusetts. Because of an increased awareness of the mind/body connection and documented beneficial effects of mindfulness, MBSR is now taught at all major medical centers. Be sure to view the video below for more information.
The MBSR practices include:
Meditation: Sitting, walking, eating.
Mindfulness: Formal and informal practices.
Body Scan: For concentration and relaxation.
Hatha yoga.
Loving kindness meditation.
About the class:
This class will involves eight 2-1/2 hour classes, a day long silent retreat, some journaling, and most importantly a commitment to practice the teachings 45 minutes per day, six days a week.
Classes will be held at Frye Care on Tate Blvd.
There is a minimal fee to cover training materials
Class size is limited to 30 so register early!
If you would like to participate please call
Sharon Kensinger: 828-294-4128.
If no answer, please leave a message with
your name and telephone number.
You can also email Dr. Carlton at:

Dr. Richard Carlton is a heart surgeon at Frye Regional Medical Center. Read what he has to say about MBSR.
"I haves been actively involved in learning about and practicing mindfulness for the last five years. It has helped me find more peace, ease and understanding in my life. I have been involved with a MBSR class at the University of Massachusetts and will offer the same here."
Richard Carlton, MD, FACS
Cardiovascular &
Thoracic Surgery