Get to the Root of the Cause
Mental health medication may be helpful and even necessary for many people. However, in many cases medication may address only the symptoms we experience such as sadness, pain, and anxiety. Addressing symptoms can make treatment more bearable but may also mask the underlying cause of the symptoms. One must also consider the side effects, financial burden, and possible health risks involved. If you are taking mental health related medication please consult your doctor or Psychologist and seek Counseling in order to explore solutions for healing.
Know the Facts:
1. Medication interactions -
"Use of prescription medications has skyrocketed in the past 25 years; almost half of all Americans report taking at least one prescription drug. One in 10 Americans report taking five or more drugs in the past month, a phenomenon known as polypharmacy. Polypharmacy is of particular concern because some people, especially seniors, may take drugs that interact badly with one another. Polypharmacy can also cause people to confuse their dosages, timing and medications."
2. More deadly than illegal drugs -
"Overdose deaths caused by prescription drugs now surpass the combined total of overdose deaths caused by illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine."
3. The leading cause of death in the U.S. -
"The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented drug overdose epidemic. Drug overdose death rates have increased five fold since 1980. By 2009, drug overdose deaths outnumbered deaths due to motor vehicle crashes (which was previously the leading cause of death) for the first time in the U.S."
4. Obesity -
"Morbidity associated with prescription drug abuse has also increased."
5. Costly
"The economic costs of prescription drug abuse are substantial. It is estimated that the abuse of opioid analgesics results in over $72 billion in medical costs alone each year."
Facts from: Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States Current Activities and Future Opportunities, Developed by the Behavioral Health Coordinating Committee Prescription Drug Abuse Subcommittee U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20201, September 2013.