Read what others have to say!
“I feel you have a personal interest in us. You've been the only cheerleader at times when we were lost. I know my husband and I are responsible for doing the work but without your counsel I think we might have given up. I'm grateful God sent us to you, for ALL you do and the opportunity to discover and live our potential.” - client (name kept confidential)
“In the painful wake of learning about my husband's pornography addiction there came months of damaging discoveries, disclosures and doubts that threaten my marriage and identity. So many self help books, recovery programs and counselors were of little help in gaining understanding and knowledge. My husband had broken his brain's chemical addiction to the pornography, but our marriage was not happy, healthy or fulfilling. Then God led us to Kevin, his compassionate understanding, knowledge and experience helped us to heal ourselves and our marriage. As a woman, mother and wife, I was unaware of the pervasive problem of pornography in our society. The destructive effects it has on the individual, marriage, family and values that happens quietly over time. Asking for help can be difficult, seeking Kevin's counsel has been a blessing.” - Nancy
"I appreciate your time and genuine care and concern for me and my family. Thank you for being who you are! I can not imagine any other therapist!!! Next to you, the rest are all.....seconds.” - client (name kept confidential)
"Working with Kevin has been fantastic. I came to him during a time of great upheaval in my life and he really helped me to navigate through such an extremely difficult time. His friendship and his ability to help me realize some of my potential has been rewarding on many levels." - client (name kept confidential)
“Kevin Rutter has been a source of support to the various churches in our area. He provided workshops that were informative, motivating and spiritual. As a therapist he helped families grow and develop skills to strengthen them. His devotion to the Church, his willingness to serve, and his love for the people has earned him my trust and respect. He has been an invaluable asset to our church. I would strongly recommend him to anyone seeking support and professional counsel.”
- Fred Rockwood (Church President)
“I had a great experience working with Kevin Rutter while he was in Kentucky -- Cincinnati area. I enjoyed being able to completely trust sending clients to him and knowing they would receive the best possible care. I really enjoyed meeting with him. He was always up to date on therapy methods and ideas. I appreciated being able to staff cases that were troubling me and get ideas from him on how to best assist them. I enjoyed sitting in with him on the few sessions I was able to do so. I consider Kevin one of my choicest associates in this field. - Art Jeffery (Family Services Director)
“I have over 35 years experience, trained doctoral level psychologist for 29 years and am a provider for several health insurance companies. I hold as well a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology. I have known Kevin Rutter for four years. We have worked together out of the same office. Over the time I have spent with him, I have come to respect his skills as a therapist. He has been consistently professional and ethical in his work, and conscientiously continues to develop his expertise as a clinician. His insight and attentiveness to other’s needs is apparent, and I have evidence from clients I know that he is effective in his psychotherapy. I would describe him as a “really good person” and that trait pervades his association with me and with his clients. I have regularly referred individuals, couples, and families to him and he would be an asset to any network provider. I will miss him as a friend and colleague and as an important person to whom I regularly referred clients. I give him my highest and unqualified recommendation.”
- Don Beere, Ph.D., ABPP (Licensed Psychologist)
Professor Emeritus, Clinical Psychology,CMU
“I have known Mr. Rutter for several years as we have met as colleagues in the area of Marriage and Family Therapy. I have become familiar with Mr. Rutter’s therapeutic skills through our collaboration with mutual clients. During our collaboration, Mr. Rutter has proven to be a consummate professional. I have been impressed with Mr. Rutter’s knowledge of systemic practice of therapy. He has shown not only a great regard for ethical principles but also a strict adherence. Over the years, Mr. Rutter has demonstrated his competence in working with individuals, couples, families and groups. I have recommended Mr. Rutter as a therapist to many clients and will continue to do so.” - Linda M. Mika, LMFT (MFT Counselor)
“As a Bishop with over 300 active members I was often overwhelmed with issues facing members who needed extensive counseling. Members who...needed intense counseling... Additionally there were very high maintenance people with difficult psychiatric issues. It was a tremendous blessing to the members and me when they were willing to supplement my counseling with Kevin Rutter's. Almost without exception they came back to me having made significant progress. He was always respectful of a Bishop's mantle - he was always supportive of my counsel. After he came and presented on the issue of pornography at our joint Church meeting I had a lot of suffering members find the courage to come and see me so we could help them. Without hesitation I recommend Kevin Rutter to any Bishop...so they can more effective change lives and have time to minister to more members.” - Steve Pearson (Church Leader)
“Over the past 4 years we have worked closely with Kevin. He has conducted sessions to educate our church's adults on the issues of dealing with addiction and pornography. He has counseled with our members as they have dealt with marriage issues, addiction (including pornography) and depression. The feedback that we have received about his service has been very positive. His approach has been gospel based and has been a blessing in the lives of many of our people...”
- Keith A. Jensen (Church President)

“I have known Kevin Rutter for approximately eight years. In my opinion, Mr. Rutter is an excellent therapist. He is practiced in a wide range of therapeutic theories and interventions, which are evidence based and ethically delivered. Kevin has expertise in helping with a wide range of populations, issues and mental health diagnoses but has particular skill with couple and families. I would highly recommend his services to those seeking therapy, clinical supervision or a valuable employee.”
- Jason James, LCSW, CPC
“Kevin has been a tremendous source of comfort, insight, intuitiveness and hope. He has a way of connecting with his patients that make us feel comfortable to share our troubles and challenges. He not only listens, he offers valuable advice and insight. He reminds us that God watches over us. He reminds us that we are fundamentally good and valuable as individuals and children of God. He does not judge. He does not criticize. He offers hope and coping skills to replace hopelessness, strength to replace weakness, and ways to find peace and serenity instead of turmoil and despair. Thank you, Kevin, for having such a positive influence on the future direction of those of us who seek you out and choose to walk the talk. Wishing you many blessings.” - Cindy Vogt